Welcome to my portfolio. I document my work in Building restoration, and attending the American College of the Building Arts in Charleston, South Carolina. My main interests are Travel, History, and Classical Art and Sculpture. Thank you for visiting.

ACBA Italy Trip, Field Drawings

ACBA Italy Trip, Field Drawings

Over the course of our trip to Italy we would make several field drawings of different sites and buildings. The main mediums used were pencils and inks, but also on occasion coffee. Most of the work was done quickly in the form of studies or sketches with the time allotted being between 3 and 30 minutes. By the end of the trip in Florence I felt much more comfortable with the freehand ink drawings and using ink as a medium.

The dome at St. Peters Basillica, Rome

The dome at St. Peters Basillica, Rome

A 3 minute sketch of a statue in front of Hadrians villa in Rome

A 3 minute sketch of a statue in front of Hadrians villa in Rome

A fountain in Florence

A fountain in Florence

The view from Piazza Michaelangelo

The view from Piazza Michaelangelo

Arches in Piazza Della Signoria

Arches in Piazza Della Signoria

A study of a tree and clouds from Forti de Belvedere

A study of a tree and clouds from Forti de Belvedere

Looking out from Forti de Belvedere on the city

Looking out from Forti de Belvedere on the city

CHARME Project, Hundisburg, Germany

CHARME Project, Hundisburg, Germany

ACBA Italy Trip, Florence

ACBA Italy Trip, Florence