Welcome to my portfolio. I document my work in Building restoration, and attending the American College of the Building Arts in Charleston, South Carolina. My main interests are Travel, History, and Classical Art and Sculpture. Thank you for visiting.

CHARME Project Rubble Wall Masonry

CHARME Project Rubble Wall Masonry

The method of construction for the walls of the Hundisberg castle garden was "Rubble Wall" masonry. In this technique first the walls are built up to the course line, then the interior is filled with a mortar bed, then all irregular stones are placed in the mortar bed, and it is built up to the level of the outer shell of the wall. When the level is finished, a thin coat of mortar is brushed over the top of the level to provide a clean surface for the next course to be laid on top.

Most of the wall would look like this when we would first start a section

Most of the wall would look like this when we would first start a section

Roland testing out a fit in the center section of the wall

Roland testing out a fit in the center section of the wall

Good view of interior portion and dry fits

Good view of interior portion and dry fits

Finishing the top course. Extra attention is needed on the top course to make sure the stones do not pass the line. After completion a sandstone cap will be placed over the stonework.

Finishing the top course. Extra attention is needed on the top course to make sure the stones do not pass the line. After completion a sandstone cap will be placed over the stonework.

CHARME Project Rebuilding Process

CHARME Project Rebuilding Process

CHARME Project, Hundisburg, Germany

CHARME Project, Hundisburg, Germany