Hyde Park Mouldings, Design Studio
For my summer internship this year I would be working at Hyde Park Mouldings in New York. Hyde Park is a plaster moulding and design factory working in architectural plaster. For the first part of the Internship I would be working in the design studio, helping with blocking out clay shapes from a template for a full wall bas-relief. The bas-relief was for the Cartier jewelry company and would have the panthers in a jungle setting for a store in Mexico city.
My first day there I would help create the background for the bas-relief. It was a simple wall type frame covered in plaster panels. The plaster paneling was then shellacked so the plasticina could be adhered. The next part of the project involved taking a large print template of the design artwork and punching through the design into one quarter inch plasticina slabs. These slabs were then cut out and ready to be applied to the wall. Once the blocked out designs are attached to the wall the artists do the final smoothing and finishing. This was a very interesting project that I was glad to be a part of.